April 20, 2020 | Admin
  • By Don Vaughan, http://www.donaldvaughan.com/

    blue graphic with yellow books and conference information

    Is COVID-19 putting a damper on your writing? Could you use a creative charge about now? We have some great news! Write Now! 2020 is on again – as a virtual mini conference! And best of all, it’s free!

    The event will be held via Zoom on Saturday, May 2, 2020, and will feature three hour-long educational sessions with a 15-minute break in between. The fun begins at 9 a.m. and concludes at 12:30 p.m.

    Whether you’re new to freelancing or a well-published pro, you’ll get a lot out of each info-packed session:

    • Self-Publishing 101 (Karin Wiberg). In this session, we’ll focus on the logistics of publishing your own book: key steps in the process, where to prioritize your spending, publishing platforms (IngramSpark vs. KDP), common errors, and resources.
    • The Importance of Your Story (Drew Becker). This session will encourage writers to create a compelling story about themselves. You’ll learn how to incorporate your uniqueness, passions, and purpose; tell your own hero’s journey; and develop a compelling structure. Once you have a full story, you can then pull together the salient parts for different uses, such as bios for publications or introductions for speaking engagements.
    • Jumpstart Your Writing: Creative Hacks That Work (Rita Lewis, Don Vaughan, Maya Spikes, Mark Cantrell). Four experienced writers share tricks and techniques that help them generate ideas, get started, keep going, or finish the darn piece already.

    COVID-19 may be forcing us to stay home, but we can still get together online for a few hours of fun, education and camaraderie. The event is free, but you will need to register:  https://tafnc.com/events/#!event/2020/5/2/taf-online-mini-conference. You’ll need your TAF password to log in.

    Shortly before the day of the conference, you will receive an email with the login information.

    This special event is an added benefit for TAF members. If you are not a member but would like to attend, you can join TAF here: https://tafnc.com/join-taf/#join.