• Setting Reasonable and Achievable Writing Goals

    Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash By Deanna Martinez-Bey and Elaine Klonicki Writers are often advised to set reasonable goals for themselves. The key word in that sentence is—you guessed it—reasonable! If you’re writing an article or blog or are contributing content to a site, you will likely be given a deadline by your editor. External deadlines serve to keep us on track. Even if you write your own blog, hopefully you have established a set schedule and are trying to keep to [...]

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    Navigating the Writing Life After Your MFA

    Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash by Michaela J. Lawlor Writing is hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.” I’ve heard this quote millions of times, but I cannot say I know who the original author is. The same thing can be said about Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs, but allow me to rephrase it a bit: “Completing your MFA is hard. If it were easy, every writer would do it.” So, if you’ve been there and done that, congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the [...]

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    Quirks that Irk

    March 22, 2023 | Admin
    Quirks that Irk

    Photo by Lee Soeburn By Lee Soeburn What’s the most irksome grammatical quirk you can’t ignore? You know grammar rules are made to be broken, are all subjective, and you recognize style plays a role. But if you catch yourself making this “mistake” or see it in someone else’s work, your heart immediately screams: “ARGH, my nemesis! Foiled yet again!” TAF got the new year started off right with this fun, conversational ice breaker. The inbox of a Taffy (the nickname of TAF [...]

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    An Unexpected Benefit of Freelance Writing

    Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash By Elaine Klonicki, www.TheAuthenticLane.com Happy Freelance Writers Appreciation Week! Recently we had an interesting thread going on in our TAF Google group about some of the benefits of freelancing. In particular, the ways in which it allows us to do meaningful work, often by highlighting the good others are doing in our communities. Whether it’s a straight nonfiction article or blog, or a profile of a person or organization, we are writing [...]

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