• The Joy of Writing for (Almost) Nothing

    Image from Pixabay by Ray Shrewsberry By Don Vaughan For much of my career, I stridently opposed writing for less than a professional rate. Pennies per word, I felt, was an insult. Writers deserve dollars.  A few months ago, however, I had an epiphany: Sometimes the purpose of writing is about more than just the money. My change of heart came with the release of a new magazine titled Cryptology, which is devoted to horror comics, television, films, and related media. In [...]

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    Looking Back and Looking Ahead: TAF’s Year in Review for 2024

    Image from JDK from Pixabay by Maya SpikesExecutive Director, Triangle Association of Freelancers It’s time to look back on 2024 and the many special moments for TAF and its members. Here are some of the highlights:April marked the return of Write Now!, our popular spring writing conference. Our keynote speakers were award-winning science fiction/horror author Nicole Givens Kurtz and Writer’s Digest editor-in-chief Amy Jones.Conference sessions included: “The [...]

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    What’s your Creative Space?

    Photo by Mike Rumble By Mike Rumble, www.rumblesrumblings.wordpress.com Shortly after I joined TAF and became very interested in doing more writing, I had a sit down with Don and asked him, “Where is the best place to do writing?” Don’s answer was very simple, he told me, “Find a place, even just a small corner of your house, and when you find that space, decorate it in such a way that when you are in it, it will inspire you to write and create.” Not too long ago, after [...]

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    October is International Dyslexia Awareness Month

    Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay By Chanah Wizenberg October is the month of International Dyslexia Awareness. I discovered this when doing my research in preparation for my interview with Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver, prolific co-authors of the Hank Zipzer children’s book series.  Many of you will remember Henry’s infamous role, Fonzie, in the 1970’s hit comedy show, Happy Days. For those who may not know who Henry Winkler is, he’s an actor, producer, and director [...]

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    Writing about Mental Health: Five Benefits of Revealing Your Own Diagnosis

    Photos from Pixabay by jhenning and rperucho By Sarah Merritt Ryan If there is power in disclosing something that bears personal risk, the chance is that it is a story that needs to be told.  With each passing year in our country, the discourse on mental health deepens. People want to understand serious mental illness better and more research is being devoted to finding the root causes of it. Editors are becoming more receptive to articles about all aspects of mental health. [...]

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    What The Writer’s Life Means to Me

    Image by Judy from Pixabay By Ron Whitaker There are boundless possibilities that come with crafting words and weaving stories for a living. Embracing the writer’s life is akin to embracing a profound sense of freedom. It's a journey that transcends traditional work boundaries, offering a unique blend of time, location, and financial independence.One of the most alluring aspects of freelance writing is the freedom of time and control.  Unlike conventional 9-to-5 jobs, [...]

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    Living with Artificial Intelligence

    Image by Tumisu from Pixabay By Drew Becker, www.realizationpress.com Reading well-crafted works is one of the greatest delights for readers and authors. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fact of life and we need to learn how to thrive with it while promoting ethics in writing. Recently, working with a group of writers critiquing each other’s work, we determined that one member used to write the first few chapters of her book. She was young and some other members suggested we ignore [...]

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