• Writing about Mental Health: Five Benefits of Revealing Your Own Diagnosis

    Photos from Pixabay by jhenning and rperucho By Sarah Merritt Ryan If there is power in disclosing something that bears personal risk, the chance is that it is a story that needs to be told.  With each passing year in our country, the discourse on mental health deepens. People want to understand serious mental illness better and more research is being devoted to finding the root causes of it. Editors are becoming more receptive to articles about all aspects of mental health. [...]

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    What The Writer’s Life Means to Me

    Image by Judy from Pixabay By Ron Whitaker There are boundless possibilities that come with crafting words and weaving stories for a living. Embracing the writer’s life is akin to embracing a profound sense of freedom. It's a journey that transcends traditional work boundaries, offering a unique blend of time, location, and financial independence.One of the most alluring aspects of freelance writing is the freedom of time and control.  Unlike conventional 9-to-5 jobs, [...]

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    Living with Artificial Intelligence

    Image by Tumisu from Pixabay By Drew Becker, www.realizationpress.com Reading well-crafted works is one of the greatest delights for readers and authors. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fact of life and we need to learn how to thrive with it while promoting ethics in writing. Recently, working with a group of writers critiquing each other’s work, we determined that one member used to write the first few chapters of her book. She was young and some other members suggested we ignore [...]

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